Think smaller
The future of space safety
Satellite operators, insurers and investors all have exposure to the growing threat of space debris. Even fragments as small as a grain of salt carry the energy of a bullet and can disable a satellite instantly. Today, only 1% of debris is avoidable due to the limitations of tracking technology.
We’re changing that.
At ODIN Space we are developing technology to map and analyse the remaining 99% of lethal, non-trackable debris and will deliver mission-critical insights via our space safety platform.

"The insight ODIN Space can provide to other operators in space will be invaluable to the continued growth of the NewSpace economy and help save billions of dollars a year"
Rob Desborough
Managing Partner, Seraphim Space

"With as many as 100,000 satellites and hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of space-based infrastructure expected to be in orbit by 2030, understanding how debris is behaving is crucial for satellite operators, orbital service providers and insurance companies"
Vinay Patel
Commercial Manager
Space Park Leicester

"ODIN are pioneering debris solutions in a fundamental area, microscale debris, and their roadmap aligns perfectly with D-Orbit’s space sustainability goals"
Martyn Fogg
Fleet Mission Manager, D-Orbit